Saturday, July 1, 2017


woman wearing a multicolored top and dress

Originally published on my previous blog, the edge hunter, during 2 June 2015.

Now that our summer is almost here, I feel like being free. I say our summer, because  the rest of Europe is enjoying a fair amount of sunshine by now. Nothing says free like a maxi dress or skirt. These are my absolute summer staples. Besides the fact that they make me feel flirty, sexy, beautiful and feminine, they can be dressed up or down. Can we say the S word here? Well I guess it's ok :). I had a strong desire to wear a slit, so I went ahead to gratify myself with a maxi skirt. My initial plan, was to make a dress but after much pacing in the room, making a skirt made more sense because It would be versatile.

sideway pose of woman wearing a multicoloured outfit

Iam definitely a repeat offender, with style, you must be. It's about maximising your wardrobe. Having said that, I chose to wear my new best friend from Zara. This is pure shoegasm. I love how they blend with my skin tone, therefore remaining quite a statement on their own without stealing the show.  I made the top loose on the back so I can use it with other outfits. I tied a knot at the back with an orange beaded elastic bracelet for this look. If you have a loose top you can use this trick for the back or the front. I used what was available to me, but you can use rubber bands or hair bands.
woman showing some leg since she is wearing a slit dress
street photo of woman in a multicoloured slit dress

Thank you so much for stopping by!  


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